Be sure to check out the video below for a little info on the kitchen tools I used. I ❤️ my potato masher and mini whisk! I’ll post a link in My Favs section about them. Everyone has their loves and obsessions…mine just might be kitchen tools and Amazon (I joke with my students that Amazon and I are best friends…no joke).
With this asian beef bowl recipe, dinner is made and served in under 15 minutes! You know it’s a keeper when Kenxie eats it all! She even asked to have the meat again, made EXACTLY the same way, but in a lettuce wrap next time. Yep, she’s definitely my daughter. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
Substitutions/Additions for Asian Beef Bowl:
- used ground venison instead of ground beef…venison is very lean so there is no need to drain grease after browning because there isn’t any
- black pepper instead of white pepper
- regular soy sauce instead of dark soy sauce
Effort: Quick & Easy
Time: 15 minutes
Kids Comments: My kids love this meat! They’d prefer it to be served with real rice but no longer complain when cauliflower rice is served instead ❤️
Make it Again: Absolutely! Kenxie requested the meat in a lettuce wrap…may serve it that way next time.