Saturday, February 26, 2022

Air Fryer Fried Oreos

Fried Oreos
We stumbled upon this recipe for Fried Oreos and Kenxie’s eye immediately lit up. She could not wait to get all the ingredients so she could make these all by herself. The recipe was super simple and easy for her to follow. She did a great job making the Fried Oreos.

Once she had them made, she was ready to place them in the air fryer. No oil needed for this fried treat! I was a little doubtful that the dough would be done in 4 minutes but it was. The bottom stuck slightly to our wire trays in the air fryer but not enough to cause a hole in the bottom of the treat.

After cooling for a few minutes, she couldn’t wait any longer to try them. Then…the disappointment came. She didn’t like them ☹️ She was not a fan of the texture of the bread (a little doughy) with the soft oreo. Xander and Lexie tried them too and thought that they were ok and had no trouble finishing their Fried Oreos but Kenxie, on the other hand, wouldn’t even finish hers.

Bummed that this is one less dessert that Kenxie can turn to when she has a sweet tooth. Off to the drawing board to add some more tasty treats to her go to recipes. There’s got to be more than Edible Cookie Dough that she likes 😀

Substitutions/Additions made by Cooking After Class for Air Fryer Fried Oreos:

  • none, followed the directions as written

Tips from Cooking After Class for making Air Fryer Fried Oreos:

  • only make what you will eat right away…they really have to be eaten warm as soon as they are done

RECIPE: Air Fryer Fried Oreos

Rating: 2 out of 5

Effort: Quick & Easy

Time: 10 minutes

Kids Comments: Ok but not good enough to make again

Make it Again: Nope…but they were fun to try once