To make these a little healthier, you could make your own tostadas. If you go this route, it will increase the prep time a bit. Still a super quick meal to prepare but it is an added step. I went the quick and easy route tonight and bought premade tostadas at Aldi.
Another option is to make the pico de gallo yourself. Again, I chose the easy option and bought a premade package. Jewel had them buy one get one free which worked out perfectly since I needed it for another dish I made this week, Shrimp and Black Bean Tacos.
Substitutions/Additions made by Cooking After Class for Bean and Pico Tostadas:
- used premade tostadas
- added avocado and cilantro (the kids added cheese on theirs too)
Tips from Cooking After Class for making Bean and Pico Tostadas:
- You can make these as simple or complicated as you’d like. Make the tostadas and pico de gallo from scratch if you’d like. Load on the toppings or keep them simple. Make them what you want 🙂
RECIPE: 3 ingredient Refried Bean & Pico de Gallo Tostadas
Effort: SUPER Quick & Easy
Time: 10 minutes
Kids Comments: Pretty good with cheese on top
Make it Again: Yes…when in need of a meal with no time to prepare anything.