Making the dough was not hard. It was as easy as pouring ingredients in the mixer, turning on the mixer, and walking away. About 5 minutes later, the dough was ready to be covered and sit overnight. I should have added more flour to my dough at this point (my discard must have been a little thinner than the original recipe was made with). The dough was pulling away from the side of the bowl but was not quite forming a dough ball.
Because the dough has to sit for 8-10 hours, you need to plan ahead when making these Sourdough Pretzel Bites. They can’t be a last minute craving! The process of making the bites isn’t too difficult, but it does require time. I’m not sure if the effort to make them is worth it. I’m not against making them again if the kids ask for them, but I don’t think they will be one of my go to sourdough recipes. Time will tell…maybe next time with a few modifications to the dough consistency, we’ll fall in love with these pretzel bites 🙂
Substitutions/Additions made by Cooking After Class for Sourdough Pretzel Bites:
- followed the directions as written
Tips from Cooking After Class for making Sourdough Pretzel Bites:
- My dough did not double in size. I think it was a little too wet. Make sure your dough is in a ball before covering to sit out overnight.
- When boiling your bites, do not boil for longer than 20 seconds. The longer they boil, the chewier they will get.
- Use silicone liners on your baking trays rather than parchment paper.
RECIPE: Sourdough Pretzel Bites
Effort: Moderate
Time: Prep 20 minutes, Rise 8-10 hours, Cook 15 minutes
Kids Comments: Pretty good. We need to make them bigger next time and top them with salt only.
Make it Again: Maybe…a lot of work for a small plateful.