This recipe reminds me of a flourless chocolate cake. It has a fudge like taste and almost seems undercooked. The brownies are very dense and rich. They are the perfect brownie to pair with a scoop of ice cream.
If you don’t yet have any Sourdough Starter, follow the directions here to make your own. We have Sourdough Saturdays at our house so once a week, we make a new sourdough recipe. Sometimes we even have enough sourdough to make two recipes…bonus!
Substitutions/Additions made by Cooking After Class for Sourdough Brownies:
- I used a milk chocolate bar and toblerone bar instead of dark chocolate because I had those in my pantry.
- used avocado oil instead of vegetable oil (next time I may substitute for unsweetened applesauce instead)
Tips from Cooking After Class for making Sourdough Brownies:
- I used my trudeau 8×8 silicone baking pan for these brownies. To cut them, I use a spatula so we don’t cut through the silicone.
- Next time, I think I may try them in a mini muffin pan or even in a mini bar pan. It would lower the baking time comfortably and help them to cook much more evenly. My mouth is watering just thinking of these tasty bites!
Effort: Moderate
Time: 1 hour
Kids Comments: Thick and fudge like. Really rich…good with ice cream.
Make it Again: We’ve made them a few times. A little time consuming…may look for another sourdough brownie recipe that a bit quicker.
all ingredients ready to go
mixing eggs and sugar
whisking for 15 minutes to dissolve sugar
adding in cocoa and sourdough
adding chocolate to whipped egg mixture
batter is made
into the oven
not pretty but yummy