There are much more complicated Puppy Chow recipes out there but this one tastes good and the best part is, the kids can make it all by themselves. I’m all for kids taking over the kitchen 🙂
There are much more complicated Puppy Chow recipes out there but this one tastes good and the best part is, the kids can make it all by themselves. I’m all for kids taking over the kitchen 🙂
Once she had them made, she was ready to place them in the air fryer. No oil needed for this fried treat! I was a little doubtful that the dough would be done in 4 minutes but it was. The bottom stuck slightly to our wire trays in the air fryer but not enough to cause a hole in the bottom of the treat.
Kenxie tackled these Sourdough Blueberry Mini Muffins by herself. We usually only get one sourdough recipe a week out of our sourdough starter but this week we had a bit more leftover so…our tummies benefited 🙂
Lexie decided to make an edible raw cookie dough recipe this afternoon (the green chunks are not celery…they are Frankenstein Reese’s Peanut Butter cups 🙂 ). I asked her take some pictures so I could share her recipe. After an eye roll, she proceeded to make her treat. Much to my surprise, she airdropped me photos when she was done. Lucky you…now I get to share! This is a good one for the kids. Kenxie can make this by herself too and it makes a fairly small batch so…they can each add the mix ins that they want. No arguing needed 🙂