Saturday, February 5, 2022
Whiteboard Accessories

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
The BEST Dry Erase Erasers

To make the situation worse, the markers don’t erase well…and that’s if the students actually have an eraser left to use that isn’t so full of ink that it smears more than it erases. Ugh! The erasers are gross…and they get gross quick. I was on a hunt for the BEST dry erase erasers.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Teacher Tricks- DIY Containers

In my classroom, I like everything to have a place. If not, it winds up on the floor! I can’t tell you how many pencils find their way to the floor and go unclaimed each day! To help combat this problem, I try to provide storage solutions for my students so that all materials have a designated place.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Celebrating Birthdays in the Classroom
Back when I was a student, celebrating birthdays meant bringing in homemade cupcakes to share with the class. Now, celebrating birthdays in the classroom can no longer involve food, let alone homemade baked goods. So what’s a teacher to do? How can you help your kiddos to feel special on their birthday while keeping to a budget and without the celebration interrupting your classroom schedule too drastically?
Let the Celebration Begin
In my classroom, our celebration begins when the “birthday slide” appears on the smartboard.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Strategy to Check for Understanding
Looking for a quick way to gauge your students level of understanding in the classroom without disrupting the flow of your lessons? This strategy to check for understanding will become your new go to! It’s easy to teach the kiddos, can be immediately implemented, is flexible enough to be used in a variety of situations, and it’s QUICK & QUIET! Watch the video below to find out how you can gauge the level of understanding of your ENTIRE CLASS in a matter of seconds. Seriously…this is a game changer!
That’s it! Such a simple strategy that is so effective! Heard it, Know it, and What? You will love it and your students will too!
If you’d like to purchase the posters shown in the video, please click on the link below to be directed to my TpT store. Enjoy!